AOL Mail provides a comprehensive set of tools designed to help you craft a distinctive and memorable email signature. Whether you're personalizing fonts, adding images, or formatting text, AOL Mail offers a wide range of options to ensure your signature reflects your unique style and professionalism.

Add a signature

  1. Click Settings Settings icon | More Settings More options icon.
  2. Click Writing email.
  3. Under Signature, next to the username toggle on Toggle icon the signature.
    • Your signature preview will be displayed on the right.

Customize your signature

AOL Signature

  • Emoji Emoji icon - add a personal touch, whether it is emotion, creativity, or humor.
  • Hyperlink Hyperlink icon - a quick, clickable way to access your website, social media profiles, or portfolio.
  • Bold Font icon - emphasize key details.
  • Italic Italic icon - differentiate parts of the signature or secondary information.
  • Text color Text color icon - reinforce your brand identity or express your playfulness.
  • Font Font icon - choose the type and size of the text.
  • Image Picture iconadd your favorite image and make your signature stand out.
  • More text options More options icon - change alignment, indent or make a list.