Nobody loves ads, but ads help keep many AOL products free of charge. By allowing us to use data from your commercial emails for personalisation, you'll help us show you better and more relevant ads and content. If you change your mind, you can change your preferences by going to the "Commercial Email Insights and Analysis" section of the Privacy Controls page.

How does it work?

AOL is part of Yahoo. Enabling us to use data from your commercial emails for ad and content personalization allows Yahoo to make your experiences more relevant across AOL and other Yahoo sites and services, including the ads you see. Commercial emails are structured messages from retailers and other organisations. We don't analyze the content of emails from your friends and family to personalize your content or ads. Analyzing the content of your commercial emails gives us an idea of what ads and content you might enjoy. We're then able to show you more relevant ads and content.

If you choose not to allow us to use the data from your commercial emails for this purpose, we’ll still show you ads and content, but they might be less relevant to you.