Yahoo uses cookies and similar technologies when you interact with our products and services.

When we use cookies or similar technologies for purposes which are not strictly necessary to provide you with the product or service you are using, we will ask for your consent. You can withdraw this consent at any time by visiting your Privacy Dashboard.

If you withdraw your consent we will no longer use cookies or similar technologies except where it is strictly necessary to provide you with the service that you are using. Please note that this will not automatically clear any cookies that have already been set on your device. To find out how to clear cookies from your browser or mobile device please visit:

Delete your cookies from a web browser

Please note that some of the cookies we use are used for multiple purposes, some of which are strictly necessary (for example ensuring the security of our systems). If you withdraw your consent, these cookies will still be set but will only be used for those purposes which are strictly necessary.

For further information, please read our Cookie Policy.